Liquid+ Quest Management

Helping Staff Manage Complexity to Create a Better Fan Experience

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What we Built

Designed the Quest management experience for the Liquid+ CMS, helping the content team build and manage Quests for the service.

Projected Impact

  • Task completion times decrease by ~10–20%.
  • Customer effort reduce by up to 70%.
  • Errors drop by ~80–90% when adding Broadcasts.

The Problem

Quests are the primary driver of engagement on Liquid+. But in order to sustain engagement long-term they had to be able to deliver many different kinds of experiences.

This requirement created a very complex feature that would be difficult to manage, so a solution was needed to simplify the creation and management experience of Quests, helping staff focus on the most important part of their jobs, crafting great experiences for fans.


  • Simplify the complexity of Quests to deliver an easy to use experience.
  • Speed up the user journey with tasks that repeated (objectives).
  • Deliver a friendly experience that helped staff learn how to be successful.
  • Formalize interactions that behaved similarly so they could be used across the CMS.


  • Market research
  • User stories and information architecture
  • Exploration and design work (wireframing, prototyping, etc…)
  • User interviews and testing
  • Iteration and feedback

Some Insights and Learnings

  • Learning how to abstract the capabilities of a solution for other parts of the CMS was a learning process, and highly valuable.
  • Once the content team started using the CMS they performed several unexpected behaviors that revealed other interesting challenges.
  • Treating creation/management as a conversation had a big positive impact on learning and success.
The user experience around the Staging Dialog, showing how it could be used to separate, serialize, and manage specific kinds of content easily.
The new Loading Dock, highlighting the capabilities it had (serialization, better search, recent items, and more context with objects).
The new Objective experience, showing a user choose broadcasts to track interactions from, and the other 3 possible branches (general sources, events, and Liquid+).
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